Safety theme of the week
The Monday Minute – Trench Safety
The Monday Minute – Hydration Happens at Home!
It’s getting hot out there! A record breaking heat wave out west has pushed its way across the country. We’re expecting mid to upper 90 degree temperatures here in north Georgia this week. It is critical that everyone, everywhere, stays hydrated and manages their exposure in order to prevent heat related illnesses.

The Monday Minute – Always Wear Gloves! Then, Stop the Bleeding
The Monday Minute – Rigging Refresher – Pre-lift Inspections
The Monday Minute – National “Don’t Fry-Day” – Preventing Sunburn
The Monday Minute – Overhead Powerlines
The Monday Minute – Suspension Trauma & The Necessity of Fall Rescue Plans
Employees have to be protected from falls, and they must have a fall rescue plan in place should they fall. Fall protection is great at preventing the initial cause of injury from a fall; impact with the ground. But, once a fall happens, fall victims need to be rescued quickly as they are not out of danger. Read more to find out what can happen due to suspension trauma AFTER being rescued.

The Monday Minute – Restoring Energy to the Locked Out System
The work is finished and it’s time to remove the lockout. Do you have a process to follow? Are all of the safety measures that were removed, back in place? How energy is restored to the system is just as important as how it is controlled and accounted for during the lockout. Check out the final installment of our Monday Minute LOTO series.

The Monday Minute – ZES & TEST, TEST, TEST!!
The lock-out MUST be verified. This crucial step is the difference between an effective LOTO process that saves lives, and one that doesn’t. Have you ever seen any of the mistakes listed in this week’s Monday Minute? What are the most common errors you encounter? Let us know so we can include them in the future.